Querida Familia, First of all, could you send me my address in Anaheim? I, um, didn't bring it with me. And a couple of friends have asked me for it. So, Sister Hardy and Sister Thomas and I moved to the advanced class last week, so we're in a new district. We love the class, and the teachers are great (a lot better than our last ones). But we miss our elders. There's eleven people in our new district now. Six sisters and five elders! More sisters than elders! There was a trio in the advanced class, so now each of the sisters has a new companion. It's good for our Spanish since we each have a native speaker companion. All the people in our class are native speakers except for us and one other elder who's sort of from Brazil. My new companion is Hermana Castillo, from Guatemala, but she's lived in Orem since she was ten. Her first name is Dameter, but at home she goes by Afro. Her middle name is Afrodita. Elder Shumway (Adam?) is in my zone, I think. I see him around a lot. My favourite thing to do at the MTC is the Referral Center. We can make phone calls to make sure people got things they ordered off of passalong cards, or we can answer phones from passalong card calls, or we can answer chats from the ask your question place on mormon.org. We've only been twice but both times it's been a kind of overwhelming experience, because I care so much about each of the people we talk to (only one each time), and I want so much to be able to help them. The first time I went, I was trying to make phone calls, and no one was answering. I accidentally clicked the button on my computer that said I was open for calls, and someone called me. I was so confused and pretty much panicked. I read from the screen on my computer, in Spanish, asking to talk to the man I had been about to call. A very confused woman answered me in English. A very confused missionary (me) repeated herself in Spanish. The woman said something else, and finally my brain began to work, and I asked her, in English, if she had just called me. A long conversation ensued in which we both tried to figure out who the other person was. Eventually I figured out that she wanted a BoM and she figured out that I was American, and not foreign, even though I started out trying to speak to her in a different language. She said her dad was a preacher, so she had grown up with his religion (some sort of Protestantism), but now she and her sister were exploring in religion, and she felt she had a hole in her life that she needed to fill. At the beginning she said she didn't want anyone to bring her a Book of Mormon, she wanted to get it in the mail, but by the end, she had talked to me for so long that she agreed, and happily, I think, to let the missionaries bring her a Book of Mormon and answer her questions. Well, I'm really happy about that, but those missionaries have their work cut out for them. Tina, the lady I talked to, is from Tennessee and she has such a strong southern accent I couldn't understand her when she said her name, and I had to get her to spell it out for me so I could put it into the computer. She said she had some friends who were Mormons, and I was really happy about that, but then she started going on about how my religion wasn't legal in most states besides Utah, and what a shame that was. I was really confused, but she wanted to know more about my religion, so I gave her a brief overview of authority of God, apostasy, and then I started to tell her about Joseph Smith, but she already knew all about Joseph Smith, and could give me numbers and dates. She talked about how it would be impossible to be openly Mormon in states other than Utah. I was so confused, and tried to tell her otherwise. Suddenly it all came out. Her friends are polygamists. So then we had a long conversation about how my church doesn't do that anymore, and why not. She loves her friends and thinks people should be allowed to do what they want to do. Never in my life have I thought that I might have to explain to someone why we shouldn't have polygamy now! In the end, I just told her that I didn't have all the answers, but I bore my testimony of continuing revelation and prophets, and she agreed to read the Book of Mormon and talk to missionaries. I'm leaving the MTC next Tuesday! I got my flight plans this week, and I'm leaving early Tuesday morning. I usually get DearElder letters the day after you send them, I think. So start writing to me in Anaheim at least after this Sunday! Tell Linda and Brittney thanks for their letters, and thanks for all of your letters! My companions (I think of all five of them as my companions) thank you for the chocolate chip bread! Guess what? Sister Hardy loves Mendocino too! And she goes there every year! Love, Hermana Duque
Thursday, November 12, 2009
letter from Kathryn
Posted by Sharon at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sharon and Jennifer on Table Rock
We took this 14-mile hike on Labor Day Weekend. You can see the Grand Teton right behind us to the left. Did you notice the snow right next to me? It was cold up there!
Posted by Sharon at 7:00 PM 2 comments
Kathryn's first e-mail
Hola Familia!
I don't have much time on email, only thirty minutes, and then the computer logs me out. I wrote a letter in the mail to you last week, I think I sent it on Friday. Hope you got it. If you didn't, I love my district, and I love my companions. My companions are Sister Hardy and Sister Thomas. They're the best! I love them so much.
Sister Hardy and I are so excited today because we finally got permission to move to the advanced Spanish class! We're in the intermediate class right now, and we love our district (which is the same thing as our class), and our elders are the best, and we will miss them so much, but the Spanish class is so boring! We're going out of our minds with boredom. They said Sister Thomas can go to the advanced class too if she wants, but she's not sure she wants to. We will miss her if she doesn't. She would have to be a solo sister, which is a sister assigned to two elders in her district, and she has to go everywhere with them when she's outside her dorm building. Or she can go on splits with any sisters. I'm guessing they only do this at the MTC.
Anyway, for the intermediate class we would have had to stay here for nine weeks, which is the same as the beginning class, which makes no sense. And I would not have been able to call home for Christmas, because I still would have been at the MTC. I knew you would be so disappointed about that, so we've been trying hard to change that pretty much ever since we got here. But now we're only going to be at the MTC for three weeks! So only two more to go! I've never written an email so fast, so I hope everything is coherent.
We went to the Provo Temple today. It was great. Sunday was wonderful, just because it was different. On all days besides Sunday and P day we just go to class and eat. All day. If it weren't for gym we'd probably go crazy. Yesterday my companions and I played frisbee outside. It was so much fun! It's been so beautiful outside!
I got your package today, but I haven't opened it yet. There's no time for anything extra around here, it's hard to even find time to read letters! But send them anyway! :)
Halloween was pretty uneventful. But then that night, as we were walking up to our room, there was all this pink liquid trailed up the stairs. There were also bags marked, "Danger! Infectious waste!" on the floor landings. Then, on the third floor, all the quarantine elders jumped out at us and scared us and took pictures. They thought it was hilarious. They must really be bored, poor things. The floor below us is the quarantine floor. One side is normal flu and the other side is swine flu. Elder Swine Flu, our zone leader, has recovered, so we met him this week. We're in the quarantine building because the MTC is over-capacity right now. The Brazil MTC is only taking half as many missionaries as they used to, for some reason.
Whew! It's exhausting writing this fast! The Lord has blessed me so far. I've woken up on my own every morning before my alarm clock goes off. And I haven't gotten tired until after returning to our room each day. It's been great! I love it here, and I can't wait to get out and start working in California!
Be nice to the cats for me! Love you all!
Con amor,
Hermana Duque
Posted by Sharon at 6:56 PM 2 comments