Friday, July 24, 2009

Kathryn got her mission call!

I got my mission call yesterday, and I'm going to DISNEYLAND!!!
I've been called to the California Anaheim mission, Spanish-speaking! Of course I'm surprised, but I'm happy to be going back to California. I'll be entering the MTC October 28.
Love you all!


The Adams Family said...

Congratulations! It's no Argentina, but back to California at least. Now it's time to get everything ready for that -- meaning all the clothes stuff. You'll do great.

Mama Jayne said...

Hooray!!! I was going to predict the Phillippine Islands, but I guess Disneyland is the next best thing. I'm sure you'll love it. Being able to build up you Spanish will have very great perks for when you get home (no matter where you live!) I'm happy for you and proud of you.


Josh B said...

Disneyland...lucky...I'm sure they allow proselyting inside the park, right?

We are all excited for you! You'll have a wonderful experience and will make a difference.